Recruiting Center *

Privacy Statement

© 2006 Free4Ever

The Base of our work is confidence

Therefore, we respect your privacy and your right to protection of your personell data. Here Free4Ever und SMOKENDERS informs you, which data we collect and how we use this data.

Individual-related data

Individual-related data which you may entrust to us, we handle with to

  • account our contractual services
  • issue a guarantee to our clients
  • serve our clients and to inform interested parties

Thereby we restrict activities on essential data (normally name and contact data).

We do not use hidden techniques to acquire individual-related data disguised and without your accordance.

Free4Ever and SMOKENDERS shield your individual-related data from unauthorized access, usage, and transmissionin in a controlled protected environment .

Third parties we will not provide your individual-related data.

Anonymous data

The more we know the better we are. To provide our clients everytime the best solution we evaluate our work permanently. We collect regularly statistical informations which help us with our quality control or with information of our clients.

Such informations we collect in anonymous surveys by electronic forms (om our websites or by email). In doing so we use modern technologies which ensures the anonymity of the subscibers of our surveys. After statistical analysis of those data we erase data.

Data, which allows inference to your person (IP-Address, email-Address), we do not collect with our anonyous surveys.

We are interested in your meaning!

We are interested in your meaning relateted to our privacy statement. If you have suggestions or criticism for us, please send us an email.


Last modified: 26.01.2006

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